Panama disease TR4 variety screening trial – Northern Territory (2020)

More varieties showing resistance to TR4 in NT trials

By Sharl Mintoff, Samantha Bond, Chris Kelly, Maxine Piggott, NT Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade, Darwin; and Jeff Daniells, Queensland department of Agriculture and Fisheries, South Johnstone.

Seven varieties in a banana variety trial in the Northern Territory have demonstrated TR4 resistance, in the plant crop, as good or better than that of Goldfinger.

In December 2021 we described a new TR4 varietal screening trial (see here), which had commenced in December 2020 and ran for the final 12 months of the project- Improved plant protection for the banana industry (BA16001). Over the 12 months plant crop data was collected to determine the TR4 reaction of several new varieties that had become available for evaluation from plant breeding programs.


In this trial, 24 varieties were screened for resistance to TR4, and included three Cavendish selections, four novel hybrids from the CIRAD program in the French West Indies, four Lady Finger hybrids from the EMBRAPA program in Brazil, some parental lines used in the breeding program and three Goldfinger mutant selections.

The Goldfinger mutant selections were generated as part of an earlier project (BA14014) in Queensland, to improve the eating characteristics of Goldfinger, whilst hoping to retain its TR4 resistance in the process (see more here).


As per the previous trials, all plants were artificially inoculated at planting with millet colonised with TR4. Disease assessments commenced at the first signs of external disease symptoms, with assessments occurring every two weeks, taking note of the presence of external and internal symptoms. The trial included three reference varieties of known susceptibility or resistance to TR4; 

CIRAD X17 displaying resistance for Panama disease TR4.

The disease resistance of each variety was determined by scoring the severity of the disease and by grouping them into one of the following categories:


Highly resistant and resistant

Parental lines M61 and Calcutta 124 both rated as highly resistant, as did the True-to-type Asia Pacific #1 and CIRAD hybrid X17. Encouragingly, two Goldfinger mutants 144 and 417, both showed no signs of infection by TR4. The Goldfinger reference material and Goldfinger mutant 544 both fell into the resistant category as a low amount of disease was noted in a small number of plants.


Cavendish varieties Formosana (Intermediate reference control) and Short Fruit Williams (Williams off-type) both fell into the intermediate rating. As did the EMBRAPA Lady Finger hybrid PA12.03, the Highgate hybrid 2390-2 and Yangambi km5.

Susceptible and very susceptible

Cirad hybrid lines 925, 918 and L9 all displayed susceptibility to TR4 in the plant crop, as did the EMBRAPA lines PV03.44, JV42.41, PA03.22 and the Highgate hybrid Buccaneer. Two Cavendish varieties Williams and GCTCV 106 selection both rated as very susceptible to TR4.

Although this trial only ran for the plant crop cycle, some interesting results were obtained. The TR4 resistance of the Goldfinger mutants is encouraging, as they were originally selected for their improved eating characteristics and appear to have retained their resistance to TR4 as hoped. The true-to-type Asia Pacific #1 had not yet completed harvest in the plant crop at the time the trial had to be wound up. However, it had no symptoms of TR4 externally or internally.

Interestingly, the Short Fruit Williams, showed a similar intermediate disease reaction to that of Formosana. Short Fruit Williams is, as the name suggests, a selection of Williams which has shorter fruit. It had occurred as a tissue culture off-type in north Queensland. We included it in this screening because it had some traits in common with TR4 resistant selections from Taiwan, noticeably its slightly longer crop cycle. This could indicate an association of certain characteristics, such as selections with slower crop cycles, possessing TR4 resistance, and thus the ability to locate potentially resistant variants when TR4 is not present.

Plant crop disease ratings of assessed varieties

HR = Highly Resistant,  R = Resistant,  I = Intermediate,  S= Susceptible,  VS= Very Susceptible

This research has been funded as part of the project Improved Plant Protection for the Banana Industry (BA16001), which is funded by Hort Innovation, using the banana research and development levy, co-investment from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Northern Territory Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture.

Yellow Sigatoka resistance – Goldfinger mutagenesis trial

Yellow Sigatoka screening - Goldfinger mutagenesis trial

Katie Robertson, Jeff Daniells, David East and Carole Wright, Queensland DAF (Dec 2023)

The screening trial assessing Goldfinger mutant selections’ resistance or susceptibility to the fungal leaf disease, yellow Sigatoka is now complete. Most of the selections had a similar reaction to yellow Sigatoka as the Goldfinger control, however GMS 766 was significantly more resistant, while four others were significantly more susceptible. This latter result demonstrates that mutagenesis can significantly change a plant’s level of yellow Sigatoka resistance.

An estimated $25-30 million per year is spent on controlling yellow Sigatoka leaf spot (Pseudocercospora musae) Identifying varieties with better resistance to the disease, provided they were otherwise commercially viable, would be of great benefit to the industry by reducing input costs and reliance on fungicides. 

Over the 2023 wet season, a yellow Sigatoka screening trial was conducted at the South Johnstone Research Facility on the top-twenty Goldfinger selections which had been developed through DAF’s mutagenesis project.

The block had been nurse suckered to standardise plant development stage. Leaf disease control ceased a few months prior to nurse suckering to build up inoculum levels and ensure adequate disease pressure. Plants were assessed for severity of leaf spot disease on 3 occasions, at monthly intervals leading up to bunching. The assessment consisted of determining the Youngest Leaf Spotted (10 or more mature necrotic lesions (YLS), and the Youngest Leaf with greater than 33% of the leaf lamina destroyed by disease (YL33). The Total number of Functional Leaves (TFL) was recorded if the disease was not present or had not progressed to the >33% necrosis severity level. For the purposes of this article, only the YLS and TFL data will be discussed.

While Goldfinger has resistance to black Sigatoka, this is not the case for yellow Sigatoka, to which it is better described as having an intermediate reaction.  Of particular interest was how the new selections compared to Goldfinger and the possible effect mutagenesis may have had on the plants ’ reaction to this disease.  Figure 1 below shows the average YLS of Goldfinger was 6.4, which was similar   to fifteen of the twenty mutant selections. ‘GMS 766’ was the only selection that demonstrated better resistance to leaf spot than Goldfinger, having an average YLS of 7.9.  

On the other end of the spectrum, ‘GMS 602’, ‘GMS 211’, ‘GMS 145’, and ‘GMS 255’ had average YLS values of between 5.4 and 4.4, demonstrating  they were significantly more susceptible to the disease. Although not the original objective of the project, these results demonstrate mutagenesis can significantly change a plant’s level of yellow Sigatoka resistance. The dwarf Lady Finger selection ‘Dwarf Rossi’ was planted as a single guard plant at the beginning of each row of Goldfinger. 

The level of disease was comparable to the ‘Dwarf Rossi’ plants in the variety evaluation, allowing comparisons to be made between the two trials. It was not significantly different to Goldfinger in its reaction to yellow Sigatoka. 

Figure 1: Youngest leaf with 10 or more necrotic lesions (YLS) for the 20 Goldfinger Mutant Selections, standard Goldfinger, and the Lady Finger variety ‘Dwarf Rossi’ (average of 3 rating occasions; error bars represent +/-1 standard error ). The different coloured bars indicate varieties that were statistically similar (yellow) or significantly different (red/green) to Goldfinger (patterned fill).
This research has been funded as part of the project Improved Plant Protection for the Banana Industry (BA16001), which is funded by Hort Innovation, using the banana research and development levy, co-investment from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture. 
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Yellow Sigatoka resistance – agronomic evaluation trial (October 2020)

Yellow Sigatoka screening - agronomic evaluation trial (October 2020)

Katie Robertson, Jeff Daniells, David East, and Carole Wright, Queensland DAF (Dec 2023)

The screening trial assessing new varieties’ resistance or susceptibility to the fungal leaf disease, yellow Sigatoka is now complete. Varying degrees of leaf spot resistance were observed among the Cavendish (highly susceptible), Lady Finger (intermediate resistance) and CIRAD hybrids (resistant).

An estimated $25-30 million per year is spent on controlling yellow Sigatoka leaf spot (Pseudocercospora musae) in Australian banana plantations. Identifying varieties with better resistance to the disease, provided they were otherwise commercially viable, would be of great benefit to the industry, by reducing input costs and reliance on fungicides.

Over the 2023 wet season, a yellow Sigatoka screening trial was conducted at the South Johnstone Research Facility. This was after the agronomic assessments on 15 varieties had been completed in the 2020 Variety Evaluation and the block was nurse-suckered. 

Leaf disease control ceased a few months prior to nurse suckering to build up inoculum levels and ensure adequate disease pressure. Plants were assessed for severity of leaf spot disease on 3 occasions, at monthly intervals leading up to bunching. 

The assessment consisted of determining the Youngest Leaf Spotted (10 or more mature necrotic lesions) (YLS), and the Youngest Leaf with greater than 33% of the leaf lamina destroyed by disease (YL33). 

The Total number of Functional Leaves (TFL) was recorded if the disease was not present or had not progressed to the >33% necrosis severity level. For the purposes of this article, only the YLS and TFL data will be discussed.

Figure 1 shows four of the varieties had comparable disease severity to the very susceptible reference variety, ‘Williams’, which had an average YLS of 4.5. These included the TR4 resistant Cavendish ‘Asia Pacific #1’, along with the two tetraploid ‘High Noon’ selections (one with a ‘clean’ rachis [HNC] and one with a ‘dirty’ rachis [HND]) , and the Pendulous Lady Finger selection. 

The other four Lady Finger varieties demonstrated slightly better resistance and were statistically similar to ‘Pacific Plantain’ (YLS = 6.2), which has a documented intermediate level of resistance to leaf spot. Overseas, the hybrid ‘CIRAD 925’ has demonstrated both yellow and black Sigatoka (Pseudocercospora fijiensis) resistance (Risède et al. 2019). 

It was anticipated that the other three CIRAD hybrids may also possess this characteristic, which proved to be the case. Although no leaf spot was present, ‘CIRAD 925’ and ‘CIRAD 918’ only maintained around seven functional leaves throughout the assessments, with older leaves snapping due to petiole weakness, while ‘CIRAD L9’ and ‘CIRAD X17’ sustained over 10 functional leaves. 

The common leaf fungi, Cordana leaf spot (Neocordana musae) and banana leaf speckle (Mycosphaerella musae), were likely present on all varieties, but more obvious along the leaf margins of the CIRAD hybrids due to the absence of yellow Sigatoka. ‘Dwarf Ducasse’ was included as the resistant reference variety and supported an average of 13 functional leaves with no yellow Sigatoka present.

While the CRIAD hybrids remained unaffected by yellow Sigatoka (CIRAD X17 pitcured here), there were other common pathogenic fungi, primarily Cordana and banana leaf speckle present on some older leaves.
The TR4 resistant Cavendish 'Asia Paific #1', was as susceptible as Williams to yellow Sigatoka.
Figure 1 Youngest leaf with 10 or more necrotic lesions (YLS) for 15 varieties at South Johnstone (average of 3 rating occasions; error bars represent +/-1 standard error). If the YLS stage was not reached for a variety (i.e. the CIRAD hybrids and Dwarf Ducasse) the leaf number represents the total number of functional leaves present. Williams (very susceptible), Pacific Plantain (intermediate), and Dwarf Ducasse (highly resistant) were used as references to assess the disease reaction of the new varieties. The different coloured bars illustrate varieties that were statisically similar to the reference varieties (patterned fill).
Risède, J.-M., Achard, R., Brat, P., Chabrier, C., Damour, G., Guillermet, C., de Lapeyre., Lœillet, D., Lakhia, S., Meynard, P., Tixier, P., Tran Quoc, H., Salmon, F., Côte, F.-X. and Dorel, M. (2019). The agroecological transition of Cavendish banana cropping systems in the French West Indies. In The agroecological transition of agricultural systems in the Global South. Côte, F.-X., Poirier-Magona, E, Perret, S., Roudier, P., Rapidel, B., Thirion, M.-C, eds. (Agricultures et défis du monde collection, AFD, CIRAD, Éditions Quæ, Versailles). Pp. 107 – 126. 

More information

This research has been funded as part of the project Improved Plant Protection for the Banana Industry (BA16001), which is funded by Hort Innovation, using the banana research and development levy, co-investment from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture.
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Sharan Muthukumar

Sharan Muthukumar

The potential of banana diversity is what fascinates Sharan

Sharan is a Technical Officer working at the Department of Primary Industries (DPI), South Johnstone. Born in a town called Mettupalayam in southern India, Sharan moved to Australia to pursue his Master’s in Agricultural Science (Horticulture) at UQ Gatton campus. He has been working with DPI since September last year (2023). His primary research areas include the agronomic evaluation of new TR4 resistant Cavendish varieties and Race 1 resistant Lady Finger-like varieties. He’s also responsible for the maintenance of the Australian field collection of banana varieties at South Johnstone, which is a significant undertaking to ensure that the collection remains available for future research.

Sharan is passionate about working with different banana varieties and learning how to identify them. He finds the diversity of bananas fascinating and believes that exploring their genetic intricacies could reveal potential solutions to emerging challenges. One of the most exciting aspects of Sharan’s work is taste-testing different varieties, which allows him to experience firsthand the diverse flavours and textures they offer. In his free time, Sharan enjoys listening to music and going bushwalking. He’s excited to be a part of DPI and being able to make a positive contribution to the Australian Banana Industry.

Sharam meet a researcher
Sharan Muthukumar
Technical Officer
Department of Primary Industries
Centre for Wet Tropics Agriculture, South Johnstone, Qld

First ratoon observations and results (2020 agronomic trial)

First ratoon results - agronomic evaluation trial (October 2020)

By Katie Robertson & Jeff Daniells, Queensland Department of Primary Industries

Trends observed in the plant crop (see here) continued in the first ratoon. Williams outproduced the TR4 resistant Cavendish varieties. All the Lady Finger selections performed well compared to the standard Lady Finger, with either improved plant or bunch characteristics and no yield reduction.

Productivity declined in the short statured TR4 resistant Cavendish Asia Pacific #1, while GCTCV 106 continued to perform comparably to Williams.

The yield reduction measured in the plant crop of the TR4 resistant Cavendish variety Asia Pacific #1 (AP#1) was further amplified by the end of the first ratoon. AP#1 yielded 33% less than Williams over the 2 crops (29.3 versus 44.1 kg/year). This was due to their longer cycle time and a lower average bunch weight (26.7 versus 37.9 kg). AP#1 pseudostem height only increased by 8% between the plant crop and first ratoon (2.2 to 2.4 m), remaining significantly shorter than the other Cavendish varieties. Most other TR4 resistant Cavendish selections from Taiwan are taller than Williams. Finger length also remained shorter, with only 17% of AP#1 fruit falling into the premium size grade (22 – 26cm), compared to 56% for Williams. The GCTCV 106 selection – which originated from a vigorous plant identified in the previous 2018 South Johnstone variety evaluation (BA16001) – again performed comparably to Williams with regards to cycle time and yield (see table). Unfortunately, this variety has not demonstrated TR4 resistance in the Coastal Plains (Northern Territory) screening trials (see here for more).

The TR4 resistant Cavendish selection, Asia Pacific #1, remained shorter than Williams with reduced bunch weights, a longer crop cycle and shorter fruit lengths.

There were no yield differences among the six Lady Finger varieties, with some selections displaying reduced pseudostem heights and better bunch conformation.

All Lady Finger selections, except Pendulous Lady Finger (PLF), remained significantly shorter in stature than standard Lady Finger in the first ratoon (11 – 30% shorter). In the plant crop, PLF had yielded 19% more than Lady Finger per 12-months, but by the end of the first ratoon the yields compared over the 2 crops was not different. The standard Lady Finger experienced a 33% increase in bunch weight between the plant crop and first ratoon, going from 12.2 to 18.5 kg, while PLF only had 15% heavier bunches in the first ratoon (17.7 to 20.9 kg). The fruit in PLF bunches took longer to fill (22.3 weeks) than standard Lady Finger (17.1 weeks), and had issues with premature ripening, likely influenced by the timing of bunch emergence and the environmental conditions during fruit filling. Nonetheless, the PLF plants lived up to their name and continued to produce bunches with a more desirable conformation. The four other Lady Finger varieties did not yield significantly differently to the industry standard.

The yield of 'Dwarf Lady Finger' was comparable to standard Lady Finger but was 30% (or 1.4 m) shorter in stature.

The novel hybrids from CIRAD continued to perform poorly in the first ratoon, in terms of bunch size and pseudostem height.

In the plant crop, 40% of the CIRAD hybrid 918 plants had snapped before harvest despite being similar height to Williams. The incidence of pseudostem snapping in this variety rose to 87% in the first ratoon, meaning there were not enough data plants to include in the analysis. The remaining three CIRAD hybrids had bunch weights 25 – 64% lower than Williams per 12-months for the 2 crops, and CIRAD 925 and X17 were taller by 10 and 17%, respectively. X17 has demonstrated a high level of resistance to TR4 in the NT (see here for more).

Where to next?

The trial block was nurse suckered at the beginning of the year to manage the cropping cycle, and the varieties were rated for yellow Sigatoka over the wet season. These results will be reported on later in the year.  

The TR4 resistant CIRAD hybrid X17 yielded 34% less than Williams per 12-months over the two crop cycles.

More information

This research has been funded as part of a project funded by Hort Innovation, using the banana research and development levy, co-investment from the Queensland Department of Primary Industries and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture.



Unravelling the mystery of banana tips

What is the black spot at the tip of my bananas? This was a question recently asked by a grower. The DAF extension team set out to investigate the issue and find out the cause.

It was suggested that the discoloration could be Mokillo disease, a bacterial infection that causes dry rot at the end of the finger, starting in the same area on the fruit that the grower was questioning. Mokillo typically only affects a few fingers in a hand, these fingers are often smaller and narrower or pinched at the tip. Mokillo infection will continue to move through the fruit over time and have a rusty red gummy appearance (internally). It was evident that the issue in question was not Mokillo given that the blackened areas were present in all examined fruit, and the symptoms did not match.

From a market perspective, the team firstly wanted to demonstrate that these black areas did not progress into the fruit pulp nor display Mokillo-like symptoms as it ripened.  The extension team took a sample of mature fruit and cross sectioned them at the different ripening stages. The black tips were present in ALL of the fruit and there was no progression into the fruit throughout the ripening process. Consequently, the DAF extension team was confident that this wasn’t Mokillo.

After this initial investigation, the query persisted as to the nature of this blackened internal tip. With a theory that the blackening was associated with the physical make-up of the fruit, a review of banana literature, including the basics of banana ‘anatomy’, found that this blackened area is called a nectary (Septal nectary). Nectaries are structures in plants, often found at the base of stamens (male flower parts) that provide food rewards for insect or bird pollinators and therefore play a role in the fertility of plants. Studies found that the nectary cells disintegrate/oxidise in Grand Naine when the flower ends are ‘unfurling’ allowing the reproductive structures (style and stamens) to be accessed by insects to pollinate. An interesting fact, is that this disintegrating/oxidising of the nectary acts as a ‘roadblock’ for the growth of the pollen tube towards the ovary. It has been suggested that this may be a contributing factor in why Cavendish is sterile and doesn’t produce seeds.

Nectaries female parts of banana flower
Floral structures of a banana finger showing oxidised/disintegrated nectary.
The project team cross sectioned fruit at different floral developmental stages and confirmed what previous research found, in that the blackening of the nectary in Williams Cavendish occurs when the flower end reproductive structures are exposed to pollinating insects.

Overall, these nectaries which have disintegrated/oxidised don’t appear to impact fruit quality. It is possible that these areas allow for secondary infections, like Mokillo, which explains some of the similar symptoms. However, further investigations would be needed to better understand the risks and conditions which may favour these infections. The DAF extension team will continue to keep tabs on the blackening of nectaries at ad hoc times throughout the year in the course of their work and make observations in other varieties.


  • Soares, T.L.; Souza, E.H.; Costa, M.A.P.C.; Silva, S.O.; Santos-Serejo, J.A. In vivo fertilization of banana. Ciênc. Rural 2014, 44, 37–42.
  •  dos Santos Silva, M.; Santana, A.N.; dos Santos-Serejo, J.A.; Ferreira, C.F.; Amorim, E.P. Morphoanatomy and Histochemistry of Septal Nectaries Related to Female Fertility in Banana Plants of the ‘Cavendish’ Subgroup. Plants 2022, 11, 1177.
This article has been compiled as part of the National Banana Development and Extension Program (BA19004) which is funded by Hort Innovation, using the banana research and development levy, co-investment from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture.
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Agronomic evaluation Lady Finger-like varieties

Agronomic evaluation of Lady Finger-like varieties (December 2022)

Lady Finger-like varieties from Brazil under trial at South Johnstone

By Jeff Daniells, Katie Robertson, Sharan Muthukumar and Carole Wright (August 2024)

Latest update...

Several Fusarium wilt Race 1 resistant Lady Finger-like varieties are being assessed for agronomic performance at the South Johnstone Research Facility. The plant crop data and a summary of the results is available below. 

The first ratoon harvest is already underway with harvest commencing in May 2024. The trial will be completed after the first ratoon harvest. Local taste panel results for varieties will be available then. Results from Panama disease Race 1 screening available next year will help guide any future on-farm studies.

Those who attended the September 2023 field walk had an opportunity to see plant crop bunches of these Lady Finger-like varieties. A video field walk through the block, prepared for the 2023 Industry Roadshows in NSW at about that time, is available.


According to the ‘Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2022/23’ the annual production of Lady Finger banana in that year was 11,228 t compared to 363,023 t of Cavendish, so Lady Fingers represent only about 3% of overall banana production. However, the farmgate value of Lady Finger production can be estimated as worth about $30 million, which because of the higher price paid for Lady Finger per kg of fruit, represents about 5% of the overall banana industry. But whatever way you want to look at it, the Lady Finger industry is an important industry in its own right.  In New South Wales the Lady Finger industry is proportionally much more important than it is overall for Australia.

In the April 2024 edition of Australian Bananas (see here pp 26-27) we drew attention to the constraint that Fusarium wilt Race 1 has placed on Lady Finger production in Australia. Varieties with resistance have been sought and evaluated over time, but while many have been identified with resistance, none have so far measured up as replacements for the Race 1 susceptible Lady Finger in the marketplace. So where possible, affected growers have sought new ground not infested with the pathogen.

In 2019/20 some new Lady Finger selections, Lady Finger hybrids and Sugar hybrids were imported from banana breeding programs in Brazil to evaluate in Australia. As described in the April article in Australian Bananas, some of these are being screened against Race 1 on the Atherton Tablelands. Here in this article, we present results from the plant crop of their agronomic evaluation at South Johnstone. This evaluation is part of the project BA21002 – ‘New varieties for Australian banana growers’.

Trial results in plant crop

Tissue cultured plants of 3 Lady Finger selections, 4 Lady Finger hybrids and 2 Sugar (Silk) hybrids were field planted in December 2022 at South Johnstone DAF. Pacovan, SCS451 and the hybrids all came from Brazil. The 6 hybrids from the program of EMBRAPA are all reported to be resistant to both Panama disease Race 1 and yellow Sigatoka. Japira and Pacoua are also reported to be resistant to black Sigatoka. SCS451 is from the program of EPAGRI and was purported to have tolerance to Panama disease Race 1. Bunch emergence commenced in May 2023, and harvest was completed in December 2023.

Pacovan Ken
Pacovan Ken were more pendulous than Lady Finger
Plantina lady finger hyrbid
Platina is shorter in stature than the other Lady Finger hybrids
Bunches of Pacovan were more pendulous than Lady Finger

Unfortunately, all except one of the Lady Finger (Improved) control plants were tissue culture offtypes. Thus, there are serious limitations when wishing to compare the new selections with the industry standard, Lady Finger. Nevertheless, reliable comparisons can be made amongst the new varieties. The agronomic and yield results from the plant crop are presented in the table below. Relative comparisons from previous studies suggest that for the Lady Finger data included in the table, the pseudostem height is indicative, but the duration from planting to harvest would usually be a little slower resulting in bunch weight/12 months being more in line with that obtained for SCS451.

Table: Selected yield and plant characteristics of varieties in the plant crop

Summary of results

A summary of the results and observations made are as follows:

  • The highest yielding varieties (per unit of time) were Pacovan, Pacovan Ken and SCS451, which were all significantly higher yielding than Tropical, Princesa and Japira. 

  • The tallest variety was Japira and the shortest in stature was SCS451. Several aspects of crop management are more difficult with the taller varieties.

  •  Japira, Pacovan Ken and Pacovan had significantly longer fruit on the 3rd hand, while fruit of Tropical and Princesa was significantly shorter.

Where to from here?

The first ratoon harvest is already underway with harvest commencing in May 2024. The trial will be completed after the first ratoon harvest. Local taste panel results for varieties will be available then. Results from Panama disease Race 1 screening available next year will help guide any future on-farm studies.

More information will be made available as the trial progresses.

This research has been funded as part of the project New varieties for Australian banana growers (BA21002), which is funded by Hort Innovation, using the banana industry research and development levies and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture. The Queensland Government has also co-funded the project through the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Chemical treatment of mites

Chemical treatment of spider mites

Restricting the use of chemicals that cause mite population flares

Some chemicals are associated with mite flares. This can be due to several reasons but primarily it is because these chemicals either encourage the mites to lay more eggs (the neonicotinoids, e.g. imidacloprid) or eliminate natural predators (the synthetic pyrethroids, e.g. bifenthrin). Where possible, avoid using these chemicals or if they must be used, time their use to the low-risk periods for mite flares, such as winter.

Correct application of miticides

Firstly, it’s important to check to ensure that live mites are still present and it’s not residual damage that’s still visible. With only a limited number of miticides available to the banana industry, it is important for treatment efficacy and long-term availability of these products that they are applied correctly.

Actives registered for control of spider mites in bananas

Always check the current registration status of chemicals before use by visiting the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority website (Click here) and always follow label directions.

For more information contact

The Better Bananas team
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
South Johnstone

This information is adapted from: Pinese, B., Piper. R 1994, Bananas insect and mite management, Department of Primary Industries, Queensland 
This information has been prepared as part of the National Banana Development and Extension Program (BA19004) which is funded by Hort Innovation, using the banana industry research and development levies and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture. The Queensland Government has also co-funded the project through the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.