Protect your farm today!
There are some simple, cost-effective practices that can be implemented today to reduce the risk of a serious pest and disease impacting your farm. Biosecurity can be viewed as a layered approach; with each practice you apply reducing the risk of a serious pest or disease being introduced onto your farm. Having some practices in place is better than having nothing at all.
Growers often start with simple measures and continually improve their system to further reduce their risk. There are some circumstances where managing the risk is challenging, such as public roads and flooding, however a disease may enter your farm through other risk pathways such as footwear, which can easily be managed. Practices such as zoning, signage, footbaths, disinfectant shuttles, boot exchanges, toolbox talks are all simple things to reduce risk. See below for examples of what growers have implemented.
For some of us, it may also mean a change in how we think about biosecurity. It’s a long-term commitment. Unfortunately, bananas will always be vulnerable to the risk of pests and diseases, so it’s recommended that on-farm biosecurity becomes a part of your daily operational procedures. Some growers have said they think of biosecurity as insurance, that adds value to their business and provides a certain level of assurance.
The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Australian Banana Growers’ Council have developed some fantastic resources tailored specifically for the banana industry. For Queensland and New South Wales growers, the National Banana Development and Extension Team are available to come and visit your farm to help you develop a biosecurity plan or discuss how you can improve your existing practices. For Western Australian growers the team is available to discuss over the phone or via video link. Contact the team via email or phone 07 4220 4152.

Get on the front foot with your on-farm biosecurity.
Click the images below to see what growers have implemented.
Biosecurity resources available and tailored for banana growers
National Banana Development and Extension Team
Ph: 07 4220 4152
Contact the National Banana Development and Extension Team today if you would like to start or make improvements to your biosecurity plan.
Panama TR4 Protect website
Hosts information on Panama disease TR4 for banana growers, banana workers, service providers and community members. Resources include videos, best practice guidelines, posters, fact sheets, growers’ kits and more!
Better Bananas website
Hosts information on Australian research undertaken on Panama disease, including information on disinfectants, reducing inoculum, alternative host information, variety screening and development activities and biosecurity.
ABGC website
Australian banana industry website that hosts information on biosecurity, including the Biosecurity Code of Practice available for download. The Code of Practice outlines reasonable and practical steps to minimise biosecurity risks in sourcing and planting banana material within a biosecurity or control zone. It also includes information on industries high priority pests.
A step-by-step guide to assist you to develop your biosecurity plan. Available for download or register to complete online.
This resource has been developed as part of the National Banana Development and Extension Program ( BA19004) which is funded by Hort Innovation, using the banana research and development levy, co-investment from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture.